Is this a fraternity or sorority or..?
Chi Alpha is a community of college students who want to know Christ more. We're an official club at Sac State, not a fraternity or sorority–which means no membership fees, initiation rituals, or commitment requirements!
Why the Greek letters?
The name “Chi Alpha” comes from the Greek words christou apostoloi which translates to Christ’s ambassadors. The letters XA are pronounced "kai alfa."
Is Chi Alpha only at Sac State?
No, Chi Alpha is actually an international college ministry! We’re on over 300 college campuses and growing every year. Chi Alpha has been at Sacramento State University since 1994. You can learn more by visiting the National Chi Alpha website chialpha.com.
What’s the mission of Chi Alpha?
"We reconcile students to Christ to transform the university, the marketplace, and the world.”
We get our name and mission from 2 Corinthians 5:20 which says, "We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God." (NIV)
Is Chi Alpha associated with a church or denomination?
Chi Alpha is part of the Assemblies of God fellowship. However, our students come from many different denominations and backgrounds. Regardless of what you believe (or don’t believe for that matter), we welcome everyone to attend our meetings! For more about what we believe, scroll down to read our 16 fundamental beliefs.
01 We believe the Bible is God’s message to us… so we seek to understand and obey its truth.
02 We believe there is one God who is three persons… so we yearn to know Him in all of His complexity and beauty.
03 We believe Jesus is fully God and fully human… so we rejoice that Christ can be a bridge between us and God.
04 We believe people, throughout history, have sinned against God… so we are too are marked by willful disobedience.
05 We believe God extends forgiveness to us through Christ… so we repent and rejoice in our forgiveness.
06 We believe God offers freedom from sin’s grasp… so we live lives that are pleasing to God.
07 We believe followers of Jesus must be empowered by the Holy Spirit… so we expect supernatural power in our lives.
08 We believe that God can heal both the body and the heart… so we pray with faith and hope.
09 We believe in baptism in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues… so we pray that God would grant us this supernatural gift.
10 We believe in the Church…. so we live in this community of faith, inviting others to join us.
11 We believe God gives leaders as gifts to His Church…. so we serve those whom the Lord entrusts to us.
12 We believe God commands us to celebrate communion and baptism… so we practice these symbolic actions, reflecting on their significance.
13 We believe Jesus will return to claim His Church… so we live in expectancy of His coming.
14 We believe Christ will one day be seen clearly as King on earth…
so we live as citizens of His Kingdom now.
15 We believe God is the ultimate Judge… so we live knowing that our choices will echo through eternity.
16 We believe we will live with God forever… so we live with hope regardless of our circumstances.
Missions Associate
Debora graduated from Sac State in 2018 with a degree in Communication Studies and joined the Sac Chi Alpha staff. She leads our worship team and loves discipling women to love and follow Jesus. Fun facts: prior to living in Sacramento, Debora was born in Brazil and lived in Chicago. She speaks Portuguese and loves food. Debora is married to Austin and they have a son named August.
After being discipled on the college campus (in Ohio) as a student, Jimmy attended the University of Valley Forge (in PA) in 2011, where he prepared to enter full-time ministry. Jimmy responded to the call of God to move to Sacramento and work with Chi Alpha, sharing the love of Jesus with college students. He has served as director since 2015. Jimmy is happily married to the delightful Dina, and they have three sons. He loves burritos and cold brew coffee.